
Newspapers: News Values

1) What example news story does the Factsheet use to illustrate Galtung and Ruge's News Values? Why is it an appropriate example of a news story likely to gain prominent coverage? Using the  example pictured, Afghanistan, in terms of geographical proximity, is far away from the U.K. but when a young British soldier dies, the story gains cultural proximity as British audiences see the soldier as ‘one of their own’. 2) What is gatekeeping? Gatekeeping is the process of filtering information prior to dissemination. 3) What are the six ways bias can be created in news? Bias through :  selection and omission through placement by headline by photos captions and camera angles through use of names and titles by choice of words 4) How have online sources such as Twitter, bloggers or Wikileaks changed the way news is selected and published? 5) In your opinion, how has the digital age changed Galtung and Ruge’s news values?  It has increased audience engagement and weakened traditio...

Newspapers: The decline in print media

1) Look at the headlines from the report on page 6. Pick three that you think are interesting and bullet point them here. Why did you pick those three in particular?   Social media is overtaking traditional channels for news among teens. Social media is overtaking traditional channels for news among teens. Social media is overtaking traditional channels for news among teens. These headlines show the decline in traditional news and how social media has "taken over" 2) Look at the overall summary for adults on pages 7-8. What are the key points on newspapers?  While the reach of print newspapers is decreasing, online newspaper reach remains steady.  The Daily Mail/Mail on Sunday remains the most widely-read print news title overall, whilst The Guardian/Observer and Daily Mail/Mail on Sunday are the most widely-read digital titles. 3) Look at the statistics on page 13. What do you notice about newspapers and how has it changed in recent years? It had significantly decre...

Media paper 2 learner response

1  ) Type up your  feedback  in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to). WWW : Some media knowledge and contextual background EBI: You need to know the CSP's better More specific references to the content included 2) Did you succeed in meeting or exceeding your target grade for A Level Media in this paper? If not, how many additional marks do you need to achieve your target grade in Paper 2? One grade below target grade. 10 more marks needed to achieve my target These are the grade boundaries we've used, based on real AQA exam grade boundaries (out of 84):   A* = 70; A = 62; B = 51; C = 40; D = 30; E = 20. Now  read through the real AQA mark scheme for Paper 2 .  3) Write a  question-by-question analysis  of your performance. For each question, write how many marks you got from the number available and identify any points that you missed by carefully studying the AQA indicative content in the ...

Media Paper 1 mock exam - Learner response

1) Type up any  feedback  in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to). WWW : This needs to be a vital lesson in the level required for the summer exams. The knowledge and exam technique just isn't these currently - you need to put that right for the summer. EBI : Revise CSP's and terminology Question focus throughout 20 mark essays - these make up almost half the papers marks so need particular focus. Now  re ad through the genuine AQA mark scheme . This is vital as the paper was an official exam paper and therefore the mark scheme tells us a lot about what AQA are expecting us to produce. 2) Write a question-by-question analysis of your performance. For each question, write how many marks you got from the number available and identify any points that you missed by carefully studying the AQA indicative content in the mark scheme: Q1) 3/8   Deeper analysis is needed:  analysis of the product that is detailed and critica...

The Sims FreePlay CSP - Audience and Industries blog tasks

  The Sims FreePlay CSP - Audience and Industries blog tasks Create a new blogpost called 'The Sims FreePlay CSP - Audience and Industries blog tasks' and complete the following tasks. Audience Read  this App Store description and the customer reviews for The Sims FreePlay  and answer the following questions:   1) What game information is provided on this page? Pick out three elements you think are important in terms of making the game appeal to an audience. Life simulation: Players control and create Sims’ lives. Customization: Build homes, design characters, and create stories. Updates: Seasonal events and new content keep the game engaging 2) How does the game information on this page reflect the strong element of participatory culture in The Sims? It emphasises customisation, real-time events, and community-driven updates that encourage innovation and player cooperation. 3) Read a few of the user reviews. What do they suggest about the audience pleasures of the g...

Video games: Henry Jenkins - fandom and participatory culture

  Henry Jenkins - fandom blog tasks The following tasks will give you an excellent introduction to fandom and also allow you to start exploring degree-level insight into audience studies. Work through the following: Factsheet #107 - Fandom Read  Media Factsheet #107 on Fandom .  Use our Media Factsheet archive on the M: drive Media Shared (M:\Resources\A Level\Media Factsheets) or log into your Greenford Google account to access the link. Read the whole of Factsheet and answer the following questions: 1) What is the definition of a fan? Fans do more than just like or even love a particular media text, ‘true fans’ have a devotion that goes beyond simply  consuming media texts, and is, as Matt Hills argues, part of a person’s identity in much the same way as gender, class and age define who we are. 2) What the different types of fan identified in the factsheet? Hardcore/True fan  Newbie Anti fan 3) What makes a ‘fandom’? A passion that binds enthusiasts in the man...