
Showing posts from July, 2024

Magazines - print industries

  Industries: the appeal of print - blog tasks Work through the following tasks to complete your work on magazines. You will find the reading gives you a brilliant insight into a vital aspect of media - the power of independent institutions. 1) Writer's Edit journal article Read this excellent  Writer's Edit academic journal article on the independent magazine industry and answer the following questions: 1) What is the definition of an independent print magazine? The independent print magazine is characterised as “published without the financial support of a large corporation or institution in which the makers control publication and distribution…“independent” in spirit due to a maverick editor or publisher who leads the magazine in an exploratory, noncommercial direction” (Thomas 2007 40).  Independent magazines are defying the predictions of many that print magazines are a fading relic of the pre-digital world. 2) What does Hamilton (2013) suggest about independent magazines

Advertising and marketing final index

Introduction to advertising   Representation to women in advertising   Gauntlett and Masculinity Score hair cream introduction to postcolonialism

Sephora black is beauty CSP

  Wider reading on Sephora Black Beauty Is Beauty 1) What was Sephora trying to achieve with the campaign? Sephora's 2021 Black Beauty Is Beauty campaign could be seen as an attempt to repair the brand's reputation and relationship with Black culture. 2) What scenes from the advert are highlighted as particularly significant in the articles? A 60-second ad spot features a compilation of scenes, including a beauty parlor, a drag show dressing room, and a Black mother with her daughter. 3) As well as YouTube, what TV channels and networks did the advert appear on? The campaign strategy will be across TV networks and digital channels like BET, OWN Hulu, HBO Max and YouTube; branded content and podcast advertising through Vox and New York Magazine’s The Cut; and digital ads across social media networks. Jacobs said that the success of the campaign is based on the “number of conversations” it generates across social media. 4) Why does the Refinery29 article suggest the advert 'd

Magazines index

GQ : Language and representation GQ : Audience and industries representation The gentlewoman Magazine front cover and task Magazines front cover LR 7) Magazines: Industries - the appeal of print and independent magazines

Magazines Front cover and practical task LR

I didn't receive feedback as i submitted my front cover late. In the future, I need to ensure i hand in my work on time. As my front cover seems to be focused on skincare, The models face should not be covered in order to advertise the skincare.

Audience and industries

  1) Media Magazine feature: Pleasures of The Gentlewoman Go to  our Media Magazine archive  and read the article on The Gentlewoman (MM84 - page 34). Answer the following questions: 1) What does the article suggest is different about the Gentlewoman compared to traditional women's magazines?  Its minimalist covers are so completely different that it’s actually shocking.  2) What representations are offered in the Gentlewoman?   Representation in the gentlewoman is pleasingly wide ranging. the gentlewoman does a pretty good job of presenting a spectrum of womanhood. 3) List the key statistics in the article on the average reader of the magazine.  85% of the gentle women's audience is women. 61 percent of its readers are aged 28-46. 47 per cent of The Gentlewoman ’s readers are in the A or B categories of the NRS social grading system that the UK press uses to gather demographics. 4) What is The Gentlewoman Club?  An ‘international society’ of ‘sophisticated women and men who de

Year 12 LR

1) WWW : Made some good points and it is well structured. EBI : lacks detailed knowledge of both texts. Mark : 14/34 Grade : D  Ucas Grade : C  2)   (unseen text) additional point/theory:  I need to  consistently use highly appropriate use of subject specific terminology throughout. EG, The visual signifiers also emphasise class, wealth and success. The mise-en-scene in the image connotes both professional success and a slightly youthful appearance (suit but no tie, open-necked shirt, sunglasses, facial hair). The model is positioned to show the product. (unseen text and CSP) additional point/theory/CSP reference:  Excellent knowledge and understanding of the influences of social and historical contexts on media products that is consistently supported by highly appropriate and effective reference to the set products. EG,  Hegemonic masculinity – advert suggests patriarchal dominance is still in place despite changes in gender representation over recent years. 3) Benefits of vertical i

The Gentlewoman

  Gentlewoman front cover  1) What do the typefaces used on the front cover suggest to an audience? The fonts used on the front can convey two different meanings to the audience. This is because the front cover has a sans-serif font for the name, suggesting that Gentlewoman wants a more casual and modern approach for its audience, but the front cover also has a serif font for the star's name. In that edition of the magazine (in this case about Scarlett Johansson), it can be suggested that Gentlewoman wants to pay tribute to the stars of those magazines and present them to their audience in a formal and traditional way.. 2) How does the cover subvert conventional magazine cover design? The cover subverts conventional magazine cover design as there is a lack of cover lines and a slogan, the title is separated from the main image, there is a close-up for the main image when usually in magazines medium close-ups are used, the colour scheme is also incredibly unconventional due to the b