Reception theory

 RBK 50 Cent

Preferred Reading

Reeboks advert highlights many different positive ideas, one of these are the idea of staying true to yourself. They promote being your own unique individual rather than following the crowd, this is achieved by the text “where I am from today there is no plan b. So take advantage of today because tomorrow is not promised.” It speaks out to the reader and has a positive connotation. This can suggest that 50 cent is reaching out to his younger audience and advising them to make good choices in life as tomorrow is not promised.

Negotiated Reading

 "So take advantage of today because tomorrow is not promised.” speaks out to the reader and has both a negative and positive connotation. The letter O is shaped like a bullet hole which symbolises the hardship 50 cent went through. This also further suggest that he does not want his audience to make the same mistakes he did. However there is also a positive aspect to this, which is 50 cent vocalising how everyone should take the chance to make the most of their days and to appreciate their present.

 Oppositional reading

However others may view this advert in a negative light, the negative aspect of this is that Reebok is promoting violence and crime. This is because 50 cent was shot and using him as an advocate for their campaign glamorises crime and may link crime and violence to wealth. The letter O is shaped like a bullet hole which symbolises the hardship 50 cent went through. 

1) Complete Activity 1 on page 2 of the factsheet. Choose a media text you have enjoyed and apply the sender-message-channel-receiver model to the text.

The SENDER are the podcast makers, Nicholas, Matthew and Christopher Sturniolo.

The MESSAGE is the 1 hour audio and visual podcast , which is a series of questions and answer stories.

The CHANNEL is both YouTube, visual and audio as that would be where the visual side is and Spotify is where you can find only the audio version

The RECIEVER is the person who watches the documentary

2) What are the definitions of 'encoding' and 'decoding'?

Encoding means constructing a message using a shared code and language and decoding means the person who watches/reads

3) Why did Stuart Hall criticise the sender-message-channel-receiver model?

1) He felt that meaning was actually being produced in the spaces between this relationship, in a dynamic way that varied depending on who received the message

2) He thought there was more nuance to their relationship with the text as cultural product and it's producers

4) What was Hall's circuit of communication model?

Proposed a model that was non linear.

5) What does the factsheet say about Hall's Reception theory?
It tells us about :

a preferred or hegemonic reading

a range of potential negotiated readings

an oppositional reading

6) Look at the final page. How does it suggest Reception theory could be criticised?

Halls model assumes that everyone is able to recognise the dominant or hegemonic reading Whilst we don't know for certain whether this is always the case.

Halls work is also politically inclined to seek out evidence that popular culture has a role in reinforcing cultural hegemony, a shared agreement of values that helps preserve class structure.


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