Collective identity and representing ourselves: blog tasks

 1) Read the article and summarise each section in one sentence, starting with the section 'Who are you?'

We are all involved in constructing an image to communicate our identity.

2) List three brands you are happy to be associated with and explain how they reflect your sense of identity.

Snap chat
Modanisa is a modest clothing brand that allows me to express my personality by wearing clothes that are comfortable to me.

Apple allows me to buy various different products that i enjoy.

Snap chat allows me to communicate to my friends and family.

3) Do you agree with the view that modern media is all about 'style over substance'? What does this expression mean?

In my opinion style over substance means that style as in what is 'in trend' is valued over things that should matter more and identity through media representations as being

4) Explain Baudrillard's theory of 'media saturation' in one paragraph. You may need to research it online to find out more.

High cultural value being placed on external factors such as physical beauty and fashion sense over internal traits such as intelligence or compassion.

5) Is your presence on social media an accurate reflection of who you are? Have you ever added or removed a picture from a social media site purely because of what it says about the type of person you are?

Social media cannot be a reflection of someones real life. Things are not always what it seems on social media. For example many social media influences explain how their lives are completely different to what they present online. People only show parts of their lives online.

6) What is your opinion on 'data mining'? Are you happy for companies to sell you products based on your social media presence and online search terms? Is this an invasion of privacy?

Data mining is there to create products that appeal to the people however it is an invasion of privacy, some people may see this as selling themselves

Task 2: Media Magazine cartoon

Now read the cartoon in MM62 (p36) that summarises David Gauntlet's theories of identity. Write five simple bullet points summarising what you have learned from the cartoon about Gauntlet's theories of identity.

Task 3: Representation & Identity: Fact sheet blog task

1) What is collective identity? Write your own definition in as close to 50 words as possible.

Collective identity is the shared sense of belonging to a group. In Media Studies, we need to consider the influence media has over a person’s sense of identity.This is closely linked to representation as the way groups are portrayed in the media can influence our sense of identity and belonging.

2) Complete the task on the fact sheet (page 1) - write a list of as many things as you can think of that represent Britain. What do they have in common? Have you represented the whole of Britain or just one aspect/viewpoint?

England flag (white and red),fish an chips, bangers (sausages) and mash, pubs, red buses

3) How does James May's Top Toys offer a nostalgic representation of Britain?

Being targeted at a slightly older audience means that the toys also become metaphors
for the sense of Britishness that May explores, that of ‘nostalgia’ or a feeling / longing for the past where life was perceived to be simpler.

4) How has new technology changed collective identity?

Technology has enabled people to actively engage with the content of the culture around them and then go on to use it as resources for their own cultural productions.

5) What phrase does David Gauntlet (2008) use to describe this new focus on identity? 

‘Make and Connect Agenda’.

6) How does the Shaun of the Dead Facebook group provide an example of Henry Jenkins' theory of interpretive communities online?

This group is even more important because it brings into question
the ‘mediated’ construction of the identity created in Shaun of the


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