Narrative factsheets

 1) Give an example from film or television that uses Todorov's narrative structure of equilibrium, disequilibrium and new equilibrium. 

'Sparticle Mysteries ' is an example of Todorovs narrative structure of equilibrium , disequilibrium and new equilibrium- The start of the show everything is normal, they are young teenagers living their lives with their friends and family; during the show all the adults in the world have disappeared and their lives are turned upside down. However, at the end of the show there is a new equilibrium as they have found a way to return their parents and everything is back to normal.

2) Complete the activity on page 1 of the Fact sheet: find a clip on YouTube of the opening of a new TV drama series (season 1, episode 1). Embed the clip in your blog and write an analysis of the narrative markers that help establish setting, character and plot.

Look at the opening of a TV programme or film. What markers
are used to provide important information for the audience
within the first few minutes?

'The beekeeper' - at the start we are immediately shown a nest of bees before we see the beekeeper , whilst there is eerie music in the background - the audience can suggest before even seeing any characters that there will be someone who will be caring for these bees it also makes them curious as to why there is suspense as the bee are harmless which indicates he character may be someone or something else

3) Provide three different examples from film or television of characters that fit Propp's hero character role.
13 reasons why
spider man 
all of us are dead

In each of these films one of the main characters continuously try to save and protect their friends and families, which is why they fit the hero character role

4) Give an example of a binary opposition.

All of us are dead, the villain in this scenario would be the zombies and the heroes would be the school kid. At the end the school  kids saved themselves and all the zombies were gone. 

5) What example is provided in the Fact-sheet for the way narratives can emphasise dominant ideologies and values?

6) Why do enigma and action codes (Barthes) offer gratifications for audiences?

It gives the audience a chance to fully understand and be able to engage with the narrative.

7) Write a one-sentence summary of the four different types of TV narrative:
  • Episodic narrative (the series) Fiction with many parts but the narrative is usually resolved at the end.
  • Overarching narrative (the serial) Conventional narrative is over a number of episodes
  • Mixed Narrative (episodic and overarching)  This structure rewards the loyal viewer as larger stories take time to be resolved but the casual viewer can enjoy the text’s individual episodes.


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