introduction to advertising

 1) How does the Marmite Gene Project advert use narrative? Apply some narrative theories here.

It neatly sums up the aspirational nature of advertisements from an industry that is based around the ethics of consumerism.

2) What persuasive techniques are used by the Marmite advert?

We are being sold products that we believe might make us better in some way – more
healthy; more informed; more cool; more attractive; more enviable.

3) Focusing specifically on the Media Magazine article, what does John Berger suggest about advertising in ‘Ways of Seeing’?

 ‘All publicity works on anxiety’ suggested John Berger in his seminal book Ways of Seeing (1972).

Advertising offers us an improved version of ourselves.

4) What is it psychologists refer to as referencing? Which persuasive techniques could you link this idea to?

We create a vision of ourselves living this idealized lifestyle, and then behave in ways that help us to realise this vision.

5) How has Marmite marketing used intertextuality? Which of the persuasive techniques we’ve learned can this be linked to?

These adverts continued the ‘love it or hate it’ theme, but also incorporated nostalgic
elements that appeal to the family member with responsibility for getting the grocery shopping done.

6) What is the difference between popular culture and high culture? How does Marmite play on this?

High culture is associated with the elite and includes things like classical music, opera, ballet, literature, and fine art. 
Pop culture is enjoyed by the general population and includes things like popular music, movies, television shows, fashion trends, and social media.

7) Why does Marmite position the audience as ‘enlightened, superior, knowing insiders’?

The postmodern audiences understand that they are being manipulated by marketing. They have, in my opinion, positioned the customers in a way that makes them feel better, and by doing so, they encourage word-of-mouth marketing for Marmite.

8) What examples does the writer provide of why Marmite advertising is a good example of postmodernism?

An example is the 'Football's Mr Marmite' advertisement which helped increase their consumer audience in order to maximise sales. Marmite has had made a sculpture of a marmite jar that Unilever invested in. The sculpture named 'Monumite' is recognisable to consumers because of it's distinctively shaped jar and is designed so consumers can step inside of it to take photos that will eventually be posted on social media increasing their promotion


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